Quote Un'Quote

And It will CHANGE

February 1, 2023



Closure is something that is good to have. When there is ample amount of clarity that things have come to an end. 

No guess work, no overthinking just precise & clear. No matter what goes in one's mind, closure is like the big full stop that one cannot miss.

The question does arise though do we get a closure at all? The way it should have been in the utopian world of righteousness.

Though disturbing the answer is a big NO. Majority of the times we don't get the "oh it's a wrap" and we can move on with our lives.

It just only makes you think if this what its supposed to be. Something perhaps not acceptable to one. Then again one cannot change it and have to come terms with it & make the choice of either accepting or rejecting it.

Both of the choices can cause a lot of pain or agony before one ends up with the dilemma of continuing it till the extent they can. The passage of time can either be a boon or bane if you choose either to move on or be stuck with the hurt.

Do we really need the closure to clear things in the air? Is it not better at times to not have the answers that we are looking for and deliberate about the what ifs & what nots.

Sometimes not getting the ending one wanted enables us to stretch our imagination and ability to tell the story the way we want which could have its basis on the foundation of truth or lie.

Maybe closure is the choice we make to either accept a situation as-is or take the initiative to change it for the good or bad. Only time will tell how it works out.

Its only when we look back at the puzzle of the jigsaw fit in together that gives us a better understanding of how it could have been managed better. If only there was a time machine to go back in time and change it for the good we believe in.

Irrespective of the closure, it remains with you till the end. Every time someone speaks of it, it brings back the emotions/feelings felt back in time. Memories come back to haunt again with sleepless nights.

The dance of the monkey continues until we get hold of it to stop. A choice that could do very well for one when you are not in the position to change the status quo. Its better than burning up oneself for life if one seek justice/righteousness. 

Only a fool end up burning themselves up in the fire of their own emotions which does no good to anyone.

Perhaps closure is the lesson of letting go when you know its better to let go than hold on to it. Then again it all comes to the choice we make during those turn of events that decides the outcome. 

One can finally go to sleep peacefully in the night knowing you did what you had to about the choices that were made. No matter how much one looks back in the past, the closure needs to be bought in one's present & future.

As the movie quote sums it all:

“Zindagi mein bhi end mein sab theek ho jaata hai. Happys Endings. Aur agar, aur agar theek na ho to woh the end nahin hai dosto, picture abhi baaki hai.”


January 16, 2023

Insta Story

Suchi was looking at him intently listening to what her boss was saying to the bunch of sales guys huddled up in the conference room for the morning meeting.

It took more than half an hour for the every day 15 mins of morning meeting today. Coming out of the room, the day that looked brighter went on to become gloomy.

She moved to her desk and checked her phone and replied to a few messages, checked a few apps and then went about her work leaving a few of them unread.

Across the city, Rishabh had just put up a story on his Instagram sitting on his desk having his sip of coffee and looking at the monitor now and then. After every sip of his coffee, he would check on the number of views of his story but still looked dejected. 

He got up to keep the coffee mug back to its place and poured himself into the work that awaited his attention. 

Time felt still. Every now and then he would check on his Instagram story views and that would make him more restless. He looked at his watch and only 15 mins had passed away since he started his work. It looked like a long day ahead.

It was past dinner time Rishabh kept checking on his phone and the Instagram story. As the night had set in, Suchi was already in bed trying to fall asleep by watching random reels on Instagram. As she got bored of it, she started watching Insta Story of the people she followed.

As the story moved from one person to another, she landed on Rishabh's story. It was about him holding his ears and doing sit ups and saying he his sorry in a hilarious way that got her smiling cheek to cheek as she turned on the other side of the bed.

As she was reading his messages, she got a call from Rishabh whose restlessness got the better out of him as they finally spoke...

February 22, 2022

My Doppelganger


Recently I got in touch with my Doppelganger.

Not face to face but yes something that was buried in the memories got a jolt. I have know about it for years now.

I assume she does not about me, but I know about her for more than 10 years now.

A whatsapp message took me back in time when I was first mistaken for her. I remember vividly being at home in the evening when I got the call. The whole conversation then turned around me being employed in a bank, which I was not.

I let it go thinking that it must be a wrong number. Then again who knew the calls were only going to increase.

I started getting calls for visit that I never made to a building for flat purchase, an appointment at a parlor and what not. The calls started getting so annoying that I could not take it and decided enough is enough.

I had to get to the root of it. This was the time when the truecaller app was not around and I had to put the hat of detective once again. Read this post to know more about it.

Did my digging through the calls that I received and came to know her name. My doppelganger had a name to identify with.

Over time, the calls reduced and I too let it go as it was not a nuisance anymore and would receive a call once in a blue moon that it did not affect me.

Then it happened few years back, I got a call when I was in office. An unknown number and I picked it up and said hello and I heard the other person stating that I (as in her) have joined the call and they started discussing their office topics making me realize that I was in a con-call with other people.

I said hello again and my male voice got the attention it required. They realized their folly and I kept the phone down. This time I got her number as they confirmed with me.

I thought of calling her many times but would stop thinking what I am doing? This does not make any sense. The frequency of the calls that I used to receive had watered down. I then let go my thoughts of calling her and telling about me being her doppelganger.

In fact, whenever I used to get a call and they said her name, I would guide them to her.

All was good enough until the calls stopping coming for about 3-4 years now, that it became a distant past.

Until I received a whatsapp message few days back sharing her laundry bill and informing me to make the payment.

Reading her name on it made it all clear. Informed the messenger that its a wrong number. I now got to know where she lives.

Here I am who knows so much about her and almost connected in a twisted way and her not knowing about the connection nor me.

She is not my doppelganger neither I am. She though is my cell number doppelganger and I am hers. The only difference between our mobile numbers is of one digit.

Strange are the ways the world work and I do not intend to cross path until I must...

P.S. What do you think you would have done in my place? Would love to hear them out.