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And It will CHANGE

January 16, 2023

Insta Story

Suchi was looking at him intently listening to what her boss was saying to the bunch of sales guys huddled up in the conference room for the morning meeting.

It took more than half an hour for the every day 15 mins of morning meeting today. Coming out of the room, the day that looked brighter went on to become gloomy.

She moved to her desk and checked her phone and replied to a few messages, checked a few apps and then went about her work leaving a few of them unread.

Across the city, Rishabh had just put up a story on his Instagram sitting on his desk having his sip of coffee and looking at the monitor now and then. After every sip of his coffee, he would check on the number of views of his story but still looked dejected. 

He got up to keep the coffee mug back to its place and poured himself into the work that awaited his attention. 

Time felt still. Every now and then he would check on his Instagram story views and that would make him more restless. He looked at his watch and only 15 mins had passed away since he started his work. It looked like a long day ahead.

It was past dinner time Rishabh kept checking on his phone and the Instagram story. As the night had set in, Suchi was already in bed trying to fall asleep by watching random reels on Instagram. As she got bored of it, she started watching Insta Story of the people she followed.

As the story moved from one person to another, she landed on Rishabh's story. It was about him holding his ears and doing sit ups and saying he his sorry in a hilarious way that got her smiling cheek to cheek as she turned on the other side of the bed.

As she was reading his messages, she got a call from Rishabh whose restlessness got the better out of him as they finally spoke...

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