Quote Un'Quote

And It will CHANGE

June 6, 2009

The Thought

I was walking back home with my mother from the school. I was wondering what my friend would be doing now who was absent today, then came the thought of watching him through television (I don’t think CC cameras had made its way into the market then) his every movements and the same for other around me too.

Years have passed by, but somehow or the other this thought kept coming back to me. I never knew what to make of it, but it captivated me. It made me think.

The only conclusion that I could draw was about being aware of life revolving around me and maybe I am playing one of the lead characters. It should make me feel good right?, well it did but the effect does not last long and am back to myself again :)

I am not sure if I read that right, if you think you can crack the code, go ahead. It keeps coming back to me. Not doing what I suppose to? or maybe it’s just a thought in the end…


When both sides think they are right
oblivious to the fact that the issue
that spark the debate no longer matters

What matters is to prove themselves right
with no one on the wrong side

June 2, 2009

A Secret Date

Not exactly a "date" but on the lines. Yesterday. I got a call from my Sister I asking me to come to her house when she will call me again in a few days.

The reason: she wants me to have a look at a girl (who will come to stay at her house for a few days) from her side whom she likes a lot and thinks she would be a perfect choice for me. This happens to be her first choice among the list that she has created for me (Finally, I get to see someone from her list!!). Read the following post to know about the list.

She very well knows my take on girls from native place, not that they are lesser in any ways to girls from city but I don't think they will be able to cope up to the living in a city like Bombay. Sister I wants me to see that they can. The girl also lives in a city (Mangalore to be precise).

I kept listening what she had to say and found it quite amusing. I did not commit on anything. On the other hand she also told me that Sister II also has a proposal ready for me again from the native place that she thinks would be "perfect" for me.

I have not made up my mind, but can't help it to think as you get moving up the age ladder everyone is eager to get you married.

Guess, they cannot see my happiness in living a Happy Single Life.

but then Happiness is not Everything in Life, right?? :D

P.S.: I feel like I have few days (may be a year or two) left of my bachelor hood to live, after marriage everything will come to an end... :))