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And It will CHANGE

May 13, 2009

I Don't Know

Has it ever happen to you that people who were academically backwards then you are doing much better than you are. People whom you thought never deserved to be promoted actually got promoted, while you are waiting to be promoted. People who get into the limelight by doing something little, while you have been slogging hard to get rewarded.

Comparisons are never a good thing and there is no way one can compare individuals coming from different backgrounds and environment. Still, one cannot resist them when we see people who move a long way ahead and you find yourself still struggling to make a place for yourself.

I often found myself stump when I tried to understand how they happen. Was luck a big factor for their success or they did something that you did not. If you have any answers do let me know...

Change Please

I was sitting on the sofa when I realized that I did not have enough change to pay for the auto by which I will be travelling. I asked my aunt if she had a change of a 100 rupee note, she told me point blank that she did not, did not even bother to check if there was one. Thankfully my cousin came to the rescue, who had enough of them.

This is one of the quirks you will often find in people who would never let go of their change even if they have enough of it. They might not have a valid reason but still they wont budge in giving to someone else, holding on to it tightly as if someone has asked to give them everything they had.

It kind of reminds me of the paradigm slideshow (click on the link for the slideshow) where the monkeys would not climb the ladder even when they don’t get the water treatment. Guess we, humans have a long way to go!!

May 10, 2009

The Non-Veg Factor

It really struck me odd that a girl prefers to stop eating non-vegetarian food just because her lover belongs to a vegetarian family. While the same is not true for the male who eats non-veg and marries one who does not.

He is either expected to eat outside or order them instead of giving the trouble to his wife who does not eat them. So why is a girl, who eats non-veg prefers to stop eating them when the male does not do so?

I know two such people who gave up eating non-veg as they were getting married into a family which considers eating non-veg unholy. One of them simply loved non-veg, she used to tell how they tasted and how her Mom makes the best prawns dish.

I was surprised when I saw her skipping the non-veg dish and taking everything vegetarian. Later I came to know that she is trying to give up non-veg for the sake of her boyfriend whom she plans to get married.

My contention is why does a girl thinks that just because she is getting married into a family which is vegetarian she should give up her habit of eating non-veg? Would the guy had done the same? The answer is a 99 percent “NO”.

Instead of giving up completely on Non-veg, she could have just avoided eating non-veg at her in-laws house and could have them outside or whenever she visits her mother’s place. If her partner understands, I am sure he would allow that after all she has grown up eating them and such habits die a very painful death!!

It amazes me the kind of “small” sacrifices a girl makes just to keep her boyfriend appease. No wonder people end up doing silly things when they are in love.

I had a small encounter on the same issue with her boyfriend when we were on a picnic and before all this took place. He was standing behind me in our self-service style dinner. As I carried the plate with two empty bowls and filled with a few of every dish that was being kept there. I happened to have put the non-veg dish into one of the bowls and as I moved forward to take the vegetarian dish in the other bowl, her boyfriend standing behind me made sure to tell me that I take care that I do not touch the spoon to the bowl.

At that very moment, I realized what he meant and the only thought that came to my mind was how can an educated man speak like an illiterate!!

So, Gals (who love their non-veg food), beware if you are looking for a relationship or are into one with a veggie boyfriend, take care of the “Non-Veg” factor or else you might end up losing your taste buds for the non-veg food you loved so badly :)))