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And It will CHANGE

May 21, 2008

Procrastination or Simply Being Lazy

"Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of
until the day after tomorrow

what should have been done the day before yesterday"

— Napoleon Hill

The above quote says it all. How procrastinating things is a bad habit. I believe some of us have this bad habit and never thought of how we became a victim (though I guess we knew how we were slowly becoming victims of this viscous habit).

I have to admit that I have let the act of procrastinating grow over the years. Strangely it is more in my personal life than in my work life. Its odd as many times it is the other way round. Guess its because of me being a workaholic.

What I am trying to find out is whether I have the habit of procrastinating or I am being simply lazy. I remember that during my childhood days I used to avoid doing work. Somehow I don't remember when this act of being lazy grow into a procrastinating. My family can still vouch for this and can even go blah blah blah (Thankfully they don't read in what I write out here). The one thing that I never told them that I was quick on tasks which I find good otherwise I kept on delaying it. Also there were some benefits of my procrastinating things. For e.g., Changing the name in the electricity bill turned out to be a quite a tedious task with the officer saying that I would have to shell out around 2800 bucks to get it done. As there were some discrepancies in the electricity bill for the past month, I decided to apply for the same few months late. I got a lot of crap from my family for this. Somehow they also had the expression of amusement when I got the work done without giving in a single penny. Howzzat!!

There have been other instances as well. Somehow procrastinating things had been a blessing in disguise. Overall it did some damage though. One thing that I don't understand is why I procrastinate things related to family and not with my friends or at work. I guess this has to do something with maintaining a good social image. I also realized the fact that I was lazy in the start, somehow it got transformed into procrastination. Though I have not really made an attempt to overcome it. I am thinking of do it now. After all who won't like to keep their family happy :D

May 13, 2008

The Perfect Life!!!


"Life is what happens to you while
you're busy making other plans"

— John Lennon

The perfect life — a life which one dreams to live. I guess everyone has a picture in their mind on their lives should be. Why is that very few people are able to live their lives the way they want to be and others keep struggling to get it right?

Recently I was put into this thought as I thought that certain ingredients missing in my life would have given the right flavor to my recipe of perfect life. Somehow they continue to dodge me. I hope to get hold of them some day J. I wondered if others are getting to taste their recipe or in search of the missing ingredients like me.

We all have seen people who do a few things and the next thing you know they are all over the papers for the right/wrong reasons. Then they are people who have slogged all their life and still that key ingredient is missing from their life which would have made the big difference. I happened to have narrowed down a few key ingredients which would help anyone to make their perfect life recipe or at least live a good life. They are:

Friends & Contacts: Having friends who have the right attitude and zeal towards life makes a very big difference to anyone’s life. Friends teach you a lot of things and real friends are there to help you out when they need you. Very few people understand this, how having great friends can be a real treasure. Knowing the right kind of people also makes a big difference. They appear like angles when you are caught in a no man’s land situation.

Getting Things Right: If you can do this consistently then you can have things happening for you. This is one of the ways to get appreciated and recognized your work. You can imagine yourself going places if you can do this.

Luck Factor: This is one of the key ingredient without which the recipe will taste sour. I never used to believe that this factor could have made such a difference but slowly I have realized it does. No one can really predict how one can have good luck in their lives, but it certainly makes a difference to one’s perfect life. One can say its life’s way of rewarding people for their karma.

Few people realize this on what goes on making a perfect life recipe. There is also the small stuff that makes a difference in the ingredients of the recipe. It all comes down to on how we look at life and live it out.

April 2, 2008

PETA & Nudity

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an animal rights organization which keeps demonstrating its protest against the treatment meted out to animals. It is good that someone has decided to stand for the animals who have to suffer at the hands of us (humans).

Though they are doing good work at making people realize that animals also need to being taken care of and look after. They way they make their protest sometime amuses me. There were so many instance when I had seen pictures in newspapers of PETA activists going nude while they protest against the unethical treatment to animals. I can understand their protest, but fail to understand them going nude in more than one instance.

Why does anyone has to go nude when they are protesting? Do they think people wont take notice of such protest unless they show some skin. I appreciate the work that they are doing, but the nudity that comes along turns me off. Come on, you guys are dealing with such a delicate issue, how can one let things go this way as if they are part of promoting a product through commercial gimmicks.

There are ways where one can really make people take notice of the highlighted issues. I believe the best example would be Mahatma Gandhi who happened to toppled the British rule with non-violence and his stayagraha movement. I guess the PETA should learn from this man on how to make people aware of the issues. Showing skin would only attract people who are merely interested in seeing it. This would do no good to the cause. Its time that they get their act together or else people who are really interested in the cause would get disillusioned with it.