The sound of the stumps being uprooted by the ball was heard. Shouts of “Howzzat” were called by the nearby fielders but the umpire was in no mood to give him out.
He got off the ground thumped his punch into the air, removed his helmet and pointed his bat to the people who came to watch him. It was his maiden century.
If you are wondering what this is about, well it’s to highlight the fact that I completed 100 posts, which I never thought I would.
Thank you, for taking the time out to read this blog and commenting on posts which means a lot to me!!
To summarize the whole thing, I am giving out a commentator’s award to each and everyone of you who choose to comment on this blog and still keep coming back for more :))

Hey congrats!!!
isnt it such a great feeling???
Great post! i thought it was on cricket first :D
its been quite a while since i visited your blog, college started.. lots of homework or whatever they call it...
but i used to be a regular here.. :D im back again.
do i get the award??
Congrats for the century.
Creativity is definitely in the air.
Happy going. :)
Keep going..You are so on the right track :)
Psst: I have commented...Am I entitled to the award? :)
100! That's a pretty darn good bit of hard work. You did good. Congratulations!
But mostly thanks for keeping us entertained and sharing.
I am yet to touch 50 though I am close to it. I really understand how special it must be.
@ Harini
Thanks. You certainly did!!
@ Sunil
Thanks Mate, I hope it continues to do so :)
@ Choco
Thanks. You certainly deserve it hands down :)
@ Grayquill
Thanks. I hope I can do that in the future too
@ Aparna
Welcome to LIFE
Yeah, its special coz I never thought I would :)
lol your descriptions are amazing as always :D (the thing which made me follow u)
Congrats on a century ;)
keep coming up with ridiculous pictures :P
and tell us the results of the quest for determining the reason for people's strange behavior :D
waiting for it :P
@ FF
Welcome to LIFE
Thanks a lot!! I hope you meant that in good humor :)
Which quest result? I am clueless...
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