Quote Un'Quote

And It will CHANGE

September 27, 2024

We Will Always Have Paris


Suman was running hurriedly pushing her trolley suitcase with her. She was late at least that is what she thought when she started running.

It was already 14:10 pm and her flight Mumbai to Delhi was supposed to took off at 14:15 pm.

It certainly did not help that she had short legs, a bit healthy and sweating profusely as she try to reach the terminal gate. As soon as she sighted her terminal gate and people still seated around, that she heaved a sigh of relief. 

Her flight had got delayed by 30 mins. She found herself a seat in the back as she breathed heavily in & out.

The delay gave her enough time to calm and compose herself. As she was wiping her sweat, her attention got diverted to the terminal gate diagonally opposite to her.

It was a child's laugh that got her attention. More importantly it was the man playing with the child that left her startled.

 All she could do was, it cannot be... Is it? Is that Jatin? It cannot be... It cannot be him.

Suman saw the guy smiled and she realized that it was indeed him as a dimple had formed on his cheek just like it was with Jatin when he smiled.

She decided to change her seat to ensure he did not see her. She made herself comfortable behind two tall guys which also gave her a vantage point if she wanted to see more of him.

All the memories, the moments spent together with Jatin came back to her jolting her into the past that was forgotten with time.

 Suman would catch glimpse of him, now & then playing with the child which she assumed was his child. There was a women too whom she could not see as she was sitting opposite to Jatin and she thought it to be the child's mother as in Jatin's wife.

Her mind raced with all kind of thoughts but seeing him happy in married life made her little sad. That could have been us...

She knew he was serious about her & they could have got married if not for....

Life moved on & here she was single, trying to find the right guy by swiping guys on dating apps.

The boarding announcement got her back into the present as she made way to stand in the queue for boarding. 

As she neared the boarding counter, she caught a last glimpse of him. seeing Jatin happy made her smile as she walked forward towards her flight.

 Little did she know that Jatin had sighted her when she was running. Although he was playing with his child, his mind also went into a roller coaster ride in the past on how much he wanted her for them to be together for the rest of their lives but it did not transpired.

All he could hope that she was in a happy space as he was.

"We will always have Paris" is what he could think of knowing that was the last time when they were together.

June 9, 2024

The Ship of Theseus


The Ship of Theseus is a thought experiment about a ship which has its parts replaced over time contemplating philosophers at that time if its still the same ship or not.

Although this takes a look at the objects around us, the same is applicable to humans too.

We grow from being a child to a man and undergo changes basis our experience and exposure to the world.

Are we still the same person? The answer to this one is a very tricky one.

On the outside, you maybe the same person to the people around but in the inside is where the changes takes place.

We might not have parts to replace in the literal sense, but its more about our thoughts & the perception that we build over time bring out the changes within us.

We underestimate our thoughts and its impacts on us. There are times when we do not even realize as if we are on a auto-pilot mode.

Its only when you break-down your thoughts, one understands better and that forms the basis of what we could says taking the right/corrective action. 

Again we don't know if its the right thing to do but the mind has its own bias and judgements to come to a conclusion.

Its so strange that we are taught about education to make a living but the thoughts that forms the basis of the man's existence, actions, behavior is not worked on.

In fact this is a topic that a majority of the people are not even aware to have a realization. This is not something that gets discussed.

Like the ship of Theseus, are you the same person or not?

March 13, 2024

Fight Fight Fight



Recently I attended a comic stand-up show. The guy was from Delhi and was talking about the Mumbai Delhi comparisons.

He was very happy when he heard Mumbaikars making it to the news with the antics pulled up on the opening with the Atul Setu bridge. This happiness however was short-lived as within a few days a Delhite made it to news for slapping a pilot on a flight.

He gave up and said Delhi being Delhi making it to the news always for the wrong reasons, he was happy to call himself a Mumbaikar, having his base setup here for a few years now. The audience had a good laugh over it.

Tu jaanta nahi mera baap kaun hain?" tag line sums up everything when describing the people from the north.

The ones from the North of India don't really earn themselves a good name when it comes to traveling.

What I did not knew that I would be encountering one such Gandu on my Ladakh trip.

It was the second last day of the trip when we had reached Tso Moriri and had settled in a tent camp setup near a flowing river.

The tent allocated to me was to be shared with two other people which would include this Gandu (who was also traveling solo) & another guy. The bed was to be shared by the two of us & the third guy who was to sleep on the ground with the mattress spread out.

We had reached early in the evening and had our get together & fun.

I think it was around 10 pm we had dinner and I decided to go to sleep.

The tent was completely empty. I had my riding gloves, balaclava, sun glasses kept on a small stool like table.

With the river flowing just next to our tent & drop in temperature, it was shivering cold. I had put on my winter jacket, winter gloves & woollen cap and tucked myself in the blanket. My duffel bag type luggage was just next to the bed which was open a bit.

Lights were put out.

I don't remember when I had fallen asleep, when I heard someone laughing.

I had tucked myself completely inside my blanket and could not make sense of it in my sleep. Again I heard someone laughing.

This time I was sure it was a girl’s laugh and moved my blanket to see her laughing.

There were three girls in the room. One next to me on the mattress that laid next to my side of the bed. Another sitting on the other side of the bed and the one laughing was standing at end of my bed along with the Gandu.

I was trying to make sense of what was happening. It occurred to me that the Gandu invited these girls to have some fun in our tent post-midnight. Apparently there were other girls too but they left.

I woke up and told them that since I am trying to get some sleep, please go to some other tent and continue their entertainment.

The next thing I know the girl who was laughing & high on drinks crawled on the bed towards me, asking me to move to some other tent & sleep there.

This girl by the way is a married women who had come to this trip with her friend who is getting married and wanted to have a friend’s trip together before she takes the plunge. That friend is the one that was sitting on the other side of the bed.

I looked around and no one seem to budge or even make an effort to understand my predicament of trying to get some sleep.

Seeing that no one is ready to go, I tell Gandu to please move to some other tent so that I can sleep. The smile on his face had disappeared.

“This tent does not only belongs to you, it belongs to the other two also” chides the girl sitting on the other side of the bed. This girl who has a law degree, working in corporate sector & about to get married.

Seriously is that what the argument will be? You think common sense would be common, but no its not.

If someone is sleeping in a shared room in the middle of the night, its common sense/etiquette that one should have their fun someplace else. Nope that was not going to happen here.

I was a bit taken aback to hear what she said. Thankfully the owner of the travel agency who organized this trip, a punjabi guy in his twenties entered the tent just then with bottle of alcohol in his hands.

I told him of my situation and very swiftly he told them that we move to another tent. I thanked him as they started leaving.

The girl on the other side of the bed was the last one to leave. She switched off the only light in the tent as she walked away. As she did that, I told her to switch it back as I saw my stuff lying on the ground.

My sun glasses, balaclava, gloves, etc. were lying exactly where I would have probably put my foot down when getting off the bed. The ones that I had kept on the table.

Before I could recover from that, I saw one of my travel pouches lying over my legs. I was startled as I never keep it outside and it always stays in the luggage

Speaking of my luggage, as my eyes searched for it, it was not there. It was moved all the way at the opposite end next to a dust bin. My duffle bag zipper was open more than it should have…

That got me riled up like anything. I was pretty okay with the way the situation ended but seeing my stuff the way it had moved around was not acceptable to me.

When it comes to handling other people’s items/stuff, I always make sure that they are kept in a way I would keep mine but not everyone think alike.

The sleep was literally gone now as I seethe with anger on how adults can behave like this. I was making my attempts to sleep but my mind was already in an overdrive mode.

I knew I needed to have a conversation with the Gandu in the morning.

The night went on a slow mode as I started having conversation with myself. Sleep was on its way to leave me even as I kept my eyes closed.

If that was not enough, I could hear alarm ringing from the cell phone of the third room mate who made his presence felt. The alarm went on for 3-4 times and finally he got up and left the tent so that he could watch the sun rise.

Does not matter that other people are sleeping or tying to sleep. Sleep had left me all along and the only thing that I could do was get off the bed. It was 6 am in the morning.

I saw the Gandu lost in his sleep while I was the one who was made to suffer.

I decided to freshen up. No, I did not took a bath the water was too cold. By the time I came out of the wash room, I saw the third guy sitting on the mattress.

We had a small chat & I informed him about the situation that took place last night. I told him about my things being misplaced, luggage moved and wanted to ask the Gandu about it.

I moved out of my tent as sitting there would only make things worse. I waited for him to wake up so that I could confront him. I believe he heard me talking with the third guy and somehow avoided me completely once he got up as he kept moving in & out of tent.

I entered the tent and finally found him inside. I asked him about last night & my things being misplaced. There are some privileged assholes who believe they do no wrong or have the audacity to even taken a stand for it. He was one of them.

Listening to what I said, the only problem he had was with my tone. Seriously, how do you expect me to act? That too I was only asking him.

In a matter of few mins, all the MC, BC were spurted out and then he says he does not know. States the room does not belong to you alone. When I asked him about my luggage being moved next to a dust bin. He justified it saying there was no space for the mattress.

This guy wears specs & apparently he still cannot see. There was enough space to keep the mattress as it was and perhaps he also forgot to see that the bed was hollow from the bottom.

If space was a constraint, it could have been simply moved below it. Keeping next to dust bin is certainly not acceptable.

As we were having an exchange of words, this guy threatens to beat me up. I told him to try and do that and I will show what I am. He looks at the entrance of the tent & I look at him and called him Gandu.

Soon, there was a shift in his eye movement as they went downwards and I saw the whole guys of our group rushing into our tent to ensure that we don’t end up beating each other up.

I told everyone what had happened in the night and all. Listening to me, they asked me that its better you move out of the tent and come with us. The good thing while all this was happening the Gandu was standing on one side and rest all of them were standing alongside with me. 

This was the last day of our ride and we were going back to Leh. I moved my luggage to another tent.

Definitely not the kind of situation one would like to end up that almost ruins the whole trip.

Thankfully, I had people around me who understood my dilemma & supported me. One of the good things that happened was the girl who had climbed on my bed apologized to me for her behavior. No one else did!!

I decided to speak to the organizer of this trip and guess what, he brushes asides the whole situation stating we will never let anything happen to you. I expected more than again what can be expected from him given his own shenanigans led to this kind of situation. That would require another post to explain.

The third girl sitting on the mattress was sister of this organizer and even she choose not to move that night.

One of the things that I did not understood was the girls’ response that night, not willing to go. I always thought they are more wiser than men and know better. Nope, they are not.

We reached Leh that day and I was allocated the whole room to myself.

This was my first trip to Ladakh and had so many wonderful experiences & memories and sadly this was going to be one bad remembrance.

We had a bonfire that night post dinner and as the night was getting darker, I looked at the watch and it was time to call it a night. Hugged all the guys and bid them goodbye, not knowing if I will be able to meet with them in the morning while I catch my flight back to home.

It just made me realize that even though I was on my own, there were people around me who made me feel at home.