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And It will CHANGE

April 29, 2012


[Thinking, thinking, staring at the screen, still thinking…………………. finally a topic strikes]

It’s real hard to write these days to think of something to write on this blogs especially with all my time devoted to work. (No, I don’t follow the work is worship rule, still stuck L)

This week people simply loved to scream, make me run around and yes finally getting things down with suspense till the last minute. Who said one needs to act in a movie to do that when I can get that all in real life.

If one thought that there is a scarcity of fools out in the world, I would say its otherwise. Common sense and logic also seems to be a rare skill that people have. No one would listen to it only want things to go their way. Thank god there is something called facts.

April 27, 2012


My mind is blank right now, wondering what to write on the piece of the white paper that I sit to write down each and every night to publish a post on my blog every day.

Lot of thoughts do wander around but to catch hold one of them and turn it around is difficult. It’s like trying caught a hen running around.

Just finished certain work before deciding to sit and write this post before going to sleep.

It’s good to have friends who worry about you, when one does not call them up. Makes me feel blessed. They say it’s not the count of friends that matter but the one who is always there to help that matters.

Why are desires insatiable? Why does it keep bringing to the same place when it cannot be yours? Is there a meaning hidden?

Why do doubts bother us when life is all about experience, making choice and living by it? Why does it force one to think the other way around?

April 26, 2012


These days I am in search of me. The ‘real’ me whom I know defines me but the one that can be felt inside but not on the outside. The search keeps me wandering around and yes a lot of questions that needs to be answered.

Ever look back at the past and had a look at oneself and the changes that one had gone through and wonder how come you lost that beautiful smile and innocence that kept one going through the day.

Keep asking question and the answers are never there. Still we keep looking for there. Some way want an explanation and the logic to get to us. Make us finally understand which it could not in the puzzle and the hints it leaves behind.

Yet the search of ‘me’ continues a state of mind which gives a sense of fulfillment. Is that what attaining nirvana is about? The search for truth of oneself…..

Lost in our own world, we create our version to deal with reality around even though life is about experience but still it creates challenges around us forcing us to make a choice

Choice which no matter one takes in a situation remains a decision of one, no matter where one stands in the middle of the road. It’s something that one has to live to with the rest of their lives.

If you think living life is easy, think again.

Then again, one lives only once, so what is there to lose? J