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And It will CHANGE

April 4, 2012

Day III Exhaustion

The title of the post says it all. That’s what I am feeling right now and don’t think can escape from it unless blessed with a good night sleep which takes away all the tiredness and refresh the body and mind with great energy when waking up in the morning.

I am not able write or think of anything right now. Guess that sums the post very well :)

P.S: This would be my shortest post ever.

April 2, 2012

Day II Monday The Hangover Days

Mondays have always been my hangover days. No it does not mean that I am drunk on weekends. It simply means that I could not get my hangover of the weekends as I find it hard to get up in the morning and go to office.

Hardly get any sleep these days due to cold problem. Don't even have the time to visit the doctor. I am actually allergic to going to doctors but these days there has been a turnaround.

Isnt' it funny no matter how much we talk of gender equality, but it always play a role when one needs to get things done. And to be honest guys are at the receiving end coz they are ones who create it.

No matter how much I get my work done, my boss prefers to give even more. I think I am being mistaken for a machine. No wonder the machines will revolt one day. Guess I will be one to start with. 

At the end of the day, the only thing that I have is tiredness and sleepiness resting on my eyes for company which chooses to desert me when I need them the most in the night. :(

That bring to the point where I almost forget to mention the retirement of Rahul Dravid. Saw his press conference where he announced his retirement and then his speech and what makes me wonder, is that is he for real? Coz people like that are not made any more. 

To be at such a stature and still be humble and gracious to enough to remember everyone's contribution. Even though he never got his share of the limelight but people in the middle know that he was the backbone of the Indian cricket that they can rely on when no one could stay around in the field.

Hats off to him. Such people are rare and to witness them in action is indeed nothing short of a miracle.

Can anyone please explain why would one have a caller tune that other people can listen into but you cannot when they call you up. Still companies are making a moolah selling it. Don't know who is winning the company or the people.

When a man and women become good friends, is it because they have things in common or is it the beginning to get closer.

If you are wondering the question don't mind them, I keep asking them a lot even got myself compared to Paresh Rawal's character in Judaai.

Guess what, my neice also does the same :)

April 1, 2012

Day I: Sunday the Holiday

If you are wondering about me not posting, it because I was and am busy more than I want. The thought of posting something always came in the back of the mind but it never felt good enough to write.

Apparently my work has been keeping me busy almost every day almost making me feel that I run the company instead the other way around.

I have decided to break this non communication with my blog and for the next 30 days you will have to bear with me. Yes, I am going to write every day on my blog which also keeps me in the hook as I am not sure what I would write about. Do not take this as an April fool joke :)

Anyways to begin with, like I said people amuse me a lot. The way they act and react in certain situations, I guess at the end of the day it only shows our nature as a human being and being selfish at that.

I find it damn great when I find myself in the company of people who share my passion/hobby of watching movies. I again watched three movies in a day certainly not back to back. There are still more to go and I don’t have the time to watch :( Did watch one today though.

A perfect Sunday means getting up late in the morning. I could not do that as I tend to get my nose blocked in the night due to cold which keeps me awake in the night. Wonder if we could have more of these days. Envy the job of teachers who still get a vacation while people like me working in corporate need to apply for leave to do the same. Where are those days of vacation of all play and no work.

Vacation reminds me of an odd incident in Shirdi where three matured healthy women from a family were jumping lines by crossing over the barriers of the queue to be the early birds to see the god idol in person. It was really pathetic to see that the men accompanying the ladies were not saying anything. All this could happen only in India where truth does not need to be stranger than fiction.

Would really like to experiment living without a television, but guess that will keep me hooked to my PC. Isn't it true that we tend to spend more time watching it then with people around each other?

That will be all for today, will look forward towards Monday, my hangover day of the week………