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And It will CHANGE

March 6, 2009

Insensitivity of the Society

As we were walking down the road and talking, I said something and turned around to find that she was not next to me. I looked behind and saw her running and beating a man with gray hair with her umbrella. The man did not even complain and went ahead.

I asked her what was that all about. She said he deliberately made a physical contact. Almost every women could relate to this kind of "touching" everyday as they make their way to schools, colleges, work or even to a place nearby.

When the recent Mangalore attacks happened, she was in fury. I could seeing her blood boiling up and am sure she would have loved to kick their @!#$%. I often told her that she should join a "Nari Mukti Morcha Andalon" but most of the times I tell her to let it go. Something she won't!!

I know it is not easy but then it is a kind of Fight or Flight situation, you have to decide how you are going to handle it when it happens. The best way is to confront them, most of them don't actually expect a reaction and that is what boost these sinners. Better attract the attention of the crowd and give them a nice thrashing.

I remember the first time when I came across such incident. Walking with Amma as teenager towards my home. A girl probably of my age with her Mom were coming from the opposite direction. I then saw a guy coming from behind them and moving his hand over the girl. I was taken aback as I had never seen such thing happening before. The Mom and the girl hardly reacted as he passed.

If it is not the touching then it is the staring. People do check out each other but what is not welcome when it remains eyed for a long time. Even school going kids do that. I was surprised when I saw a school going boy standing near the seat reserved for women in the bus and staring at them intently. If you do find someone doing that ask them what their problem is. It is a wrong mentality in our society that we let people stare and don't confront them.

This reminds me of one the MTV Bakra's episode years back, where they showed a girl being harassed by a roadside romeo at a bus stop. What was disheartening to see that no one (read male) intervened even when she asked for help from the people standing beside her. Only one women stood up and tried to stop that romeo. She was telling her brother (who had a good built) to stop the man but her brother choose to stood there and do nothing.

I don't know if you remember this, but way back in 2002 when a minor mentally challenged girl got raped in the Mumbai local train in the presence of five men, out of which one was a reporter whose account as an eyewitness was on the front page. They did nothing and watched as a drunken got into his act and then got off the train. The question that came to my mind was why they did not stopped him.

When I first read the story the one thing that came to my mind was the man carrying a weapon? or he was of a good built that prevented them from stopping him? I was angry at them for not standing up when I saw the picture of the accused who was nothing but a thin frame man who could have been stopped. It was really a shame for men specially. I am not sure how they were and are able to sleep in the night.

This is our society built on insenstitivity, though we prefer to add the term "fear" to to display our inability to act. We forget that the women who is being eve-teased is a mother, wife, sister and daughter of someone.

What would you do if someone did this to a women in your family?

Hope the next time, if you see a women being harassed by roadside romeos, you know what would be the right thing to do...

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Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God; your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

— From the Principles of A Course in Miracles

March 2, 2009

Love is Blind!!!

This is very true if you are judging a couple on their physical exterior and wonder what made them fall in love in the first place.

I have seen a few love stories and it did made wonder what were they thinking, so Love is indeed blind for you if you are judging someone you don't know.

Here is a gist of a few love stories that made me wonder:

The Patel Dude

This guy was handling a team in which three girls were working. There is a square in this love story. He had proposed to a girl in his team who turned him down. Disappointed by the fact that he got rejected he happened to have proposed to another girl in the same team just a few days after. Later the news came that the girl said yes and they were both getting married.

Many tried to speak to him, stop him from making a mistake. They called him mad too. The reason, the girl happened to have a darker complexion and cannot be said good looking in terms of looks. This Patel guy on the other hand was good looking, fair and could have easily got any gal in his own community which have a lot of pretty faces.

Regarding the square in the love story, the third girl had feelings for him, when she got to know about all this, she choose to go for an internal transfer.

He did not listen and got married to her. Everybody thought they would be going separate ways but they are still going strong and have become parents too. I don't know their secret but they truly break the shackles of the society which discourages such union.

Does Size Matters?

This guy joined the organization as an associate and eventually landed up with a plump role in the company. He was smart, had a way with words and the ability to convince you and a visionary.

He was often seen with a girl from his associate days. After a few years both got married. What surprises many is that the fellow could have got a good looking girl who has charmed many with his personality.

The twist in the tale is that he was a little obese and fair. The girl too belonged to the same weight category and had a dark complexion. There are many stories doing the round on what might be the reason behind this, but nobody knows the secret of their successful marriage.

It is hard to believe such stories unless you see them happen. They break your perceptions of the "perfect couple".