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And It will CHANGE

September 27, 2024

We Will Always Have Paris


Suman was running hurriedly pushing her trolley suitcase with her. She was late at least that is what she thought when she started running.

It was already 14:10 pm and her flight Mumbai to Delhi was supposed to took off at 14:15 pm.

It certainly did not help that she had short legs, a bit healthy and sweating profusely as she try to reach the terminal gate. As soon as she sighted her terminal gate and people still seated around, that she heaved a sigh of relief. 

Her flight had got delayed by 30 mins. She found herself a seat in the back as she breathed heavily in & out.

The delay gave her enough time to calm and compose herself. As she was wiping her sweat, her attention got diverted to the terminal gate diagonally opposite to her.

It was a child's laugh that got her attention. More importantly it was the man playing with the child that left her startled.

 All she could do was, it cannot be... Is it? Is that Jatin? It cannot be... It cannot be him.

Suman saw the guy smiled and she realized that it was indeed him as a dimple had formed on his cheek just like it was with Jatin when he smiled.

She decided to change her seat to ensure he did not see her. She made herself comfortable behind two tall guys which also gave her a vantage point if she wanted to see more of him.

All the memories, the moments spent together with Jatin came back to her jolting her into the past that was forgotten with time.

 Suman would catch glimpse of him, now & then playing with the child which she assumed was his child. There was a women too whom she could not see as she was sitting opposite to Jatin and she thought it to be the child's mother as in Jatin's wife.

Her mind raced with all kind of thoughts but seeing him happy in married life made her little sad. That could have been us...

She knew he was serious about her & they could have got married if not for....

Life moved on & here she was single, trying to find the right guy by swiping guys on dating apps.

The boarding announcement got her back into the present as she made way to stand in the queue for boarding. 

As she neared the boarding counter, she caught a last glimpse of him. seeing Jatin happy made her smile as she walked forward towards her flight.

 Little did she know that Jatin had sighted her when she was running. Although he was playing with his child, his mind also went into a roller coaster ride in the past on how much he wanted her for them to be together for the rest of their lives but it did not transpired.

All he could hope that she was in a happy space as he was.

"We will always have Paris" is what he could think of knowing that was the last time when they were together.

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